Her finder du en oversigt over kurser og uddannelse i ISTDP samt relaterede behandlingsformer i Danmark. Kalenderen holdes løbende ajour, og kursusarrangører er velkomne til at henvende sig til selskabet med henblik på at få kurser føjet til kalenderen.

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ISTDP-akademiet 3 sæson: Joel Town
12. januar 2022 kl. 17:00 - 19:30
Det er med stor glæde, at ISTDP-Danmark i samarbejde med Svenska Förening för ISTDP kan invitere til den tredie række af præsentationer i Selskabets ”ISTDP-akademiet”, hvor vi udvider rækken til 5 præsentationer.
ISTDP-akademiet er en online foredragsrække, hvor møder består af to timers præsentation efterfulgt af en halv times diskussion. Møderne finder sted med ca. en måneds mellemrum og afholdes altid på hverdage uden for normal arbejdstid, så deltagelse forhåbentlig er tilgængelig for de fleste.
Akademiets første sæson har været en stor succes med mange deltagere og gode tilbagemeldinger. Det er vores ambition på sigt at præsentere et bredt udvalg af både danske og internationale navne fra ISTDP-verdenen, og at akademiet kan blive en anledning for vores medlemmer til at orientere sig bredt i vores internationale fagfællesskab og til at holde sig orienteret om vores felts nyeste udviklingsområder. Med sine hyppige, men korte møder og sit bekvemme online-format håber vi, at ISTDP-akademiet kan udgøre en optimal ramme for netop dette.
ISTDP-akademiet er åbent for medlemmer af Dansk Selskab for ISTDP samt medlemmer af IEDTA og øvrige nordiske selskaber for ISTDP.
Tilmelding sker for fem møder ad gangen til en samlet pris på 1000 kr. Deltagere vil inden mødestart modtage en mail med link til deltagelse i mødet via zoom, som alle derfor skal have installeret på forhånd.
Tilmelding foregår ved at købe adgang i butikken her: https://istdp-danmark.dk/store/
Du skal, hvis du er ny bruger, starte med at oprette din konto her: https://istdp-danmark.dk/account/?ec_page=register
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Betaling kan se med betalingskort, MobilePay eller eventuelt bankoverførsel.
Detaljer om de kommende fem oplæg i første halvår 2022:
12. January 2022 – 17.00 – 19.30:
Joel Town -The Role of Pressure and Challenge to Resistance in ISTDP: Mobilising the Unconscious in the Trial Therapy
When a patient sits down at the first therapy meeting, typically they describe their problems and symptoms, but unconscious patterns of emotional avoidance rooted in attachment trauma can quickly end up sabotaging treatment. This presentation will review the steps in mobilising the unconscious in a trial therapy, through interrupting and challenging resistance as it manifests in the transference. It will illustrate how with each emerging defence that is effectively identified and challenged, complex feelings rise, and patients can be helped to experience feelings in the moment, and unconscious memories and painful feelings subsequently follow. This case will specifically highlight how to handle a patient’s helpless tendencies and weepiness. These defences can easily lead to therapists becoming overly active, blocking the rise in complex feelings. Throughout the presentation there will be opportunities to discuss the challenges therapists face when learning these skills.
Dr. Joel Town is a Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University, Canada. He is a clinician, researcher and trainer, specialising in ISTDP for complex and refractory populations. He is the author of over 40 peer reviewed journal articles on psychotherapy process and outcome research. He provides Core and Advanced online Training in ISTDP.
2. February 2022 – 17.00 – 19.30: Monica Bertinussen – Kintsugi – the art of the golden repair
In this webinar we will look at how to form a collaborative therapeutic alliance with often ambivalent adolescents. When working with adolescents the ability to understand this ambivalence and repair possible ruptures are important to prevent drop out. We will also look at how our work with adolescents can be informed by the holistic understanding of their developmental stage, specific challenges as well as family-setting. One or two videotaped cases will be shown.
About the presenter:
Monica Bertinussen is a clinical psychologist and a child and adolescent Psychotherapist. She has attended an IEDTA certified core training in ISTDP with Patricia Coughlin as well as an advanced training and a teacher training. She has worked in the child and adolescent outpatient clinic in Stavanger, Norway since 2007 and in a private practise with adults since 2015. Monica Bertinussen presented at the IEDTA conference in Boston in 2019 under the category Child, Adolescent and Family Therapy with EDT. In november 2021 she is the head of a yearly international mental health conference in Stavanger, Norway with the topic of «the therapist». Currently she is involved in a planned research project on ISTDP with adolescents under the supervision of Dr. Allan Abbass.
6. april 2022 kl 17.00-19.30: John Rathauser (US) – Man in the wrong place: A case involving projection and syntonic defense
This presentation will show an hour and 40 minutes of audio-video work taken from a five-hour trial therapy.
The patient presents with “social anxiety,” a term that was revealed to be synonymous with high activation of projection at the onset of the process. He falls within the classification of syntonicity, given that heavily ingrained characterological defenses of passivity, compliance, and defiance, as well as repression stand firmly in the way of his having access to any appreciable level of emotional awareness. Anxiety has been omnipresent in his day-to-day life and is an invisible aspect of his character that he has taken for granted. He has access to a limited range of tactical defenses, such as smiling, laughing and indefiniteness which quickly are seen to assume the proportions of a major defensive system, this often being evidenced in people who have compromised emotional resiliency and who fall within a spectrum of what Davanloo referred to as “low capacity for tolerating anxiety.” With such individual’s extensive effort goes into monitoring and ensuring that the patient is tracking and integrating the therapist’s efforts to clarify, identify and block the use of these defenses. Every defense must be identified and clarified.
As the work intensifies, the therapist pressures, clarifies and challenges the resistance in the transference. Early work on the projection utilizes dynamic inquiry to inquire into the structure of his projective fantasies and to frame his transference feelings.
We will observe the patient gaining awareness of how he defends against the experience of his inner emotional life, along with awareness of resisting anger. Various forms of head-on-collision will demonstrate ways of addressing and overcoming resistance, leading up to an intrapsychic crisis which brings access to grief. Davanloo often stressed the importance of grief creating greater fluidity in the unconscious, leading to further activation of the therapeutic alliance and a growing capacity to move towards deeper layers of the unconscious. This was a profoundly traumatized individual who was subjected to verbal cruelty and rejection by a sadistic father, who had a concerned and yet passive mother who failed to protect, and yet what is so often beautifully observed during an unlocking are the repressed and disowned tender feelings and wishes for reunification that sit buried under unconscious rage and guilt. When the repressive barrier is broken down, the opening into the unconscious of this man will reveal the deepest of wishes to have had a different, more loving relationship with his father.
John Hans Rathauser, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist with over 40 years of clinical experience.
Following completion of his doctorate in clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles campus, Dr. Rathauser trained at the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health in New York for five years. He subsequently joined Dr. Davanloo’s Core Training Program in Montreal in 1994, where he studied with Dr. Davanloo for 8 years and attended annual metapsychology conferences for 23 years.
Dr. Rathauser’s private practice in Kendall Park, N.J. is largely devoted to the practice of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (IS-TDP), as well as providing training to mental health practitioners. Dr. Rathauser currently offers a D-ISTDP core training program based in Los Angeles, in addition to two monthly online training groups. He has given numerous presentations on ISTDP nationally and internationally and is a supervisor for the International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association (IEDTA). You can contact him at johnrathauser@comcast.net.
4. May 2022 17.00 – 19.30: Monica Urru – Overcoming complex grief and dissociative disorders
Overcoming complex grief and dissociative disorders
Clinical experience in twins
Creating a coherent sense of self with a body oriented integrated approach
Tools: Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherap,y Eye Movement Desensitization reprocessing and Freni Method
The aim of this is intervention is to describe the process of integration of traumatic memories entagled to the body in two patients born twin.
The patients came with complex post traumatic stress disorder due to abandonement at 4 years old in a favela in Brasilia, kidnapping and rape, and many others trauma being taken to live in Italy in foster care and then in a family, where they finally could belong. The patients experienced loss of an integrated sense of self, flashbacks, and a pervasive sense of unsafety. The use of many different tools let emerge prenatal body memories related to unborn twins, each one linked to an apparent normal personality, all dissoaciated but connected under the same identity.
We will illustrate the process of creation of a coherent narrative within the history, positive core beliefs, capacity to feel in control of boundaries and the evolution from disorganized to preoccupied attachment.
We also illustate the role of murderous rage as propellant to life, versus survival mode within the body.
Key words: Vanishing twin syndrome, attachment theory, adaptive information processing model, safety, dissociative disorders, complex grief, murderous rage, lguilt, love.
Monica Urru, MD, is the President of the Italian Experiential Therapy Association and a psychiatrist in private practice in Rome. She is specialized in the treatment of psychotraumata and related somatizations in adults, integrating ISTDP with different approaches (EMDR, sensorimotor psychotherapy, CRM neurofeedback). She cohoperates with colleagues around the world in teaching and research on improving effectiveness of treatments of choice in complex somatic disorders. She is consultant for the Military Hospital Areonautic and Aerospatial Unit in Rome and Florence. She offers supervision and core training in ISTDP in Europe, United States and Middle East.
Contact: Phone number 00393317633443 monica.urru@gmail.com ISTDPInstitute.com
1. june 2022 – 17.00 – 19.30: Liv Raissi (SW) – Melting shame combining ISTDP and music
Liv Raissi is a licensed psychologist, certified ISTDP therapist and supervisor / teacher. She is former president of the Swedish Society for ISTDP and has actively contributed to the spread of ISTDP, through arrangements of conferences and training, since 2012. In addition to therapies and training in her own company, Liv teaches at the University of Gothenburg and at Sapu in Sweden. She is also a certified astrologer and currently in training for psychedelic assisted therapy for Integrative Psychiatry Institute in Colorado.
In this presentation you will see how combining ISTDP with music seem to function as a regulator of shame and/or bodily responses of fear. Research shows that we are emotionally affected by certain harmonies, and listening to music provokes different kinds of feelings in us. Music is widely used in settings where you want to affect the body physically and emotionally, and to enter altered states of conciousness. In the therapy-context presented here, the music is used as background to the ongoing therapy, like a soundtrack to the patient’s story and emotions. It seems that the music serves to regulate anxiety and shame states for both the patient and the therapist, whilst at the same time facilitating deeper present moment experiences. The patient is more able to relax into the body, as the music appears to melt unhealthy shame states creating an opening for emotionally loaded content.
I will briefly discuss some of the research on how music influences us emotionally and physically, followed by videoclips from a therapy with a patient recovering from PTSD who now mostly suffers from internalized shame, tension and repressive defenses. You will see how specific ISTDP-interventions like bracing, clarifications and recaps combined with music, helps the patient to overcome some of these defences and freeze states in order to reach breakthroughs instead.