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Monica Urru: Working with a severely somatizing patient
12. juni 2024 kl. 17:00 - 19:30
Dansk Selskab for ISTDP udbyder dette gratis arrangement til alle medlemmer. Oplægget finder sted via zoom og tilmeldte modtager et link til mødet senest dagen forinden. Tilmelding sker via mail til: simonsecher@gmail.com
Om Monicas præsentation:
Working with a severely somatizing patient: ISTDP and REAC neuromodulation
The clown woman
An integrative approach to deal with somatization, anxiety and depression in a
patient with borderline personality disorder
Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy has proven to be, for many years, a very effective treatment for a large variety of disorders, including severe depression, fragility, and some “essential symptoms” referring to those medical conditions of unknown cause. Most of the time these so-called “rare conditions” disappear after facing unconscious conflicts and repressed memories stored in the body. Sometimes, however, the body response is poor, and it looks like the more we work the less we achieve. In these cases, we have to use some other tools used in trauma work and in the treatment of PTSD. In this workshop the main goal will be to understand how to structure a tailored treatment that can help both the patient and the therapist to build a strong therapeutic alliance facing those moments where the idealized royal road, that we studied for years, is not working at all, so we can help the patient to cope with the disease resulting from self neglect, severe chronic anxiety dysregulation and depression.
A video presentation of clinical material will be used to illustrate those principles, with the proposal for the audience to write an evidence based theory, upon the practice of therapy of neurological signs of uncertain nature. The phase oriented approach consists of (1) Neuromodulation with REAC technology-stabilization, exploration of conflict underneath the somatic and or neurological signs, symptom-reduction, (2) treatment of traumatic memories; and (3) re-estabilishing a coherent narrative and balanced motoric response in the body. The proposal of the discussion with the audience will be to integrate the effects of ISTDP therapy with the application of neuromodulation treatment, applied with radio electric asymmetric conveyer (REAC) biotechnology devices. Both the modalities are aimed at improving the strategies to deal with and optimize the allostatic response to environmental stressors and exposome. This allows to reduce the dysfunctional adaptive behavior patterns, which underlie many neuropsychological symptoms and pathologies, and to improve the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. REAC Technology is based on specific environmental radio electric fields emitted by the device, which interact with the bio electric field of the subject being treated
inducing micro-currents in his body. The specific probe (ACP) which connects the device to the body of the patient, allows the radio electric field emitted by the REAC device to interact with all the biological structures that contain electrical charges, such as the cells and human body. This interaction induces endogenous micro-currents in them. This scheme has been developed to create an asymmetric circuit, that underlies the cell polarity, and neuro transmission.The REAC neuromodulation treatments are based on a pulsed 5.8 GHz radio electric emission. Each treatment protocol is pre-programmed by the manufacturer and cannot be modified by the operator. The REAC technology devices used in this clinical case were BENE 110 universal model (ASMED, Florence, Italy)
Key words: somatization, neuromodulation, omnipotent transference, psychotic
defenses, bordeline level of character pathology