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ISTDP Academy, 4th season: Nithya Kalyani
7. december 2022 kl. 17:00 - 19:30
Det er med stor glæde, at ISTDP-Danmark i samarbejde med Svenska Förening för ISTDP kan invitere til den fjerde række af præsentationer i Selskabets ”ISTDP-Akademi”.
ISTDP-akademiet er en online foredragsrække, hvor møder består af to timers præsentation efterfulgt af en halv times diskussion. Møderne finder sted med ca. en måneds mellemrum og afholdes altid på hverdage uden for normal arbejdstid, så deltagelse forhåbentlig er tilgængelig for de fleste.
Akademiets første sæson har været en stor succes med mange deltagere og gode tilbagemeldinger. Det er vores ambition på sigt at præsentere et bredt udvalg af både danske og internationale navne fra ISTDP-verdenen, og at akademiet kan blive en anledning for vores medlemmer til at orientere sig bredt i vores internationale fagfællesskab og til at holde sig orienteret om vores felts nyeste udviklingsområder. Med sine hyppige, men korte møder og sit bekvemme online-format håber vi, at ISTDP-akademiet kan udgøre en optimal ramme for netop dette.
ISTDP-akademiet er åbent for medlemmer af Dansk Selskab for ISTDP samt medlemmer af IEDTA og øvrige nordiske selskaber for ISTDP.
Tilmelding sker for fem møder ad gangen til en samlet pris på 1000 kr. Deltagere vil inden mødestart modtage en mail med link til deltagelse i mødet via zoom, som alle derfor skal have installeret på forhånd.
Tilmelding foregår ved at købe adgang i butikken her: https://istdp-danmark.dk/store/
Du skal, hvis du er ny bruger, starte med at oprette din konto her: https://istdp-danmark.dk/account/?ec_page=register
Og husk, at hvis du ikke er medlem af Dansk Selskab for ISTDP, skal du også købe mindst et B-medlemskab.
Betaling kan se med betalingskort, MobilePay eller eventuelt bankoverførsel.
Signing up for the ISTDP Academy as non-Scandinavian:
As a non-Scandinavian, it is possible to attend the ISTDP Academy by becoming a member of the Danish Society for ISTDP. If you do not live and practice in Denmark, we suggest applying for a so-called “B-membership”. To do so, go to our shop (https://istdp-danmark.dk/store/) and add the items “B-MEDLEMSKAB” as well as the relevant semester of the ISTDP Academy to your cart and pay for both. You will receive an email with confirmation and, on the days of the presentations, links for attendance via Zoom.
Details on the presentations of our 4th season:
September 7th 2022 – 17.00 – 19.30: Working with Conscious Defiance and Character Transformation
Johannes Kieding: I trained with Marvin Skorman, LMHC, from 2012 to 2021. Marvin was one of Dr. Davanloo’s right-hand men in the late 1980s. I supervise faculty at the Rochester Institute of Technology, and I work intermittently with Arizona State University by supervising their master’s level social work interns. My clinical approach aims to be very collaborative and relational while still addressing resistance head-on. After being sanctioned to teach by Marvin in 2017, I have been supervising others in both individual and group format. I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Davanloo and seeing his work in 2012 and again in 2013. I have a special interest in making ISTDP more accessible to a wider swath of clinicians by emphasizing the flexibility of the model. My idea of a good time is to sit close to an ocean, hearing the clucking and crashing of waves while reading a good book.
About Johannes’ presentation: will watch large parts of the 10th and 11th session (and if there is time for it, some of the termination session as well), of a highly resistant, highly self-defeating patient whose major column of defense is defiance and stubbornness. The patient has a higher ego-adaptive capacity, without contraindications for a standard format of ISTDP.
The patient’s defiance is largely conscious at this stage of the work, posing a formidable clinical challenge. You will see me working to undo the omnipotent transference resistance by not just telling the patient that the session grinds to a halt when he is detached and defiant, but helping him experience this fact through my silence.
This patient gets even with those he is angry with by defying them, and the deepening insight into how his defiance hurts himself more than me or anyone else becomes an important ingredient in helping him turn a corner on his defiance.
We will see how the patient’s defiance with me recreates the relational configuration with his father, who abandoned the patient in various ways throughout his childhood, leaving the patient dealing with his complex and intense emotions by resolving himself to never let another man become important enough to him so that he could get hurt like that again.
You will see how as the patient begins to turn against his self-defeating defiance, my pressure goes from inverted pressure through silence to more active, traditional forms of pressure, ramping up in tandem with the patient aligning himself with his deepest aspirations to be free. You will see how as my confidence increases that the patient and I are on the same side against the resistance, I model for the patient how to properly stand up to the self-punitive nature of his defenses through conveying a lack of respect for his resistance.
We will see how after a major passage of rage with links to the father, the patient goes defiant again, as if to say, “hell freezes over before I give my father the satisfaction of feeling tender feelings towards him.”
In the 11th session we will see the patient, with the therapeutic alliances fully in operation, casting aside the resistance to face deep, complex, painful feelings with links to the mother and spontaneous love-laden memories surfacing, shining a light on the core neurotic structure with important transference implications, and then additional rounds of breakthroughs in the transference consisting of rage, love, and guilt.
The 10th and 11th session total 1-hour and 50-minutes in duration. I am hoping there will then be sufficient time left to watch parts of the termination session (session 22), to remind us all of the fruits of our labor, of what true character change and transformation looks like.
October 5th 2022 – 17.00 – 19.30: Working with fragile character structure. Special focus on how to restructure regressive defences with ISTDP technique.
Beata Zaloga: Beata Zaloga, M.D. – psychiatrist, psychotherapist in ‘Laboratorium Psychoedukacji’ Training and Psychotherapy Institute, in Warsaw. She is a holder of certificates granted by Polish Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and European Association for Psychotherapy. She is the chair of the ISTDP Section in Polish Society for the Integration of Psychotherapy. She completed the training for ISTDP trainers organized by Jon Frederickson and ISTDP Institute in Norway. She has been practicing and teaching Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy in Laboratorium Psychoedukacji for about 10 years. Presently she works with adults in private practice, runs introductory courses and core trainings of ISTDP and is involved in supervision of ISTDP therapists.
About Beata’s presentation: Often, the tragedy of working with traumatized patients is how they unconsciously re-traumatize themselves through defences they did not choose and cannot see. And, as therapists, we must help patients to see how these defences operate in session and to overcome them. This clinical video based presentation will illustrate the ISTDP method in action and will show how to: Help the patient build affect tolerance; Help the patient see and let go of defences of somatization, weepiness, and projection; Use the technique of bracing to build the capacity to bear feelings without using primitive defences; Help the patient process unconscious feelings so they do not need to ward them off through self-punishment.
November 2nd 2022 – 17.00 – 19.30: The Head-On-Collision
Rudolf Bleuler: Rudolf Bleuler is a Medical doctor, born in 1950, specialized in psychiatry and psychotherapy. He is the representative medical director of a psychiatric state hospital, and in private practice since 1987. Rudolf Bleuler trained with Dr. Davanloo for 24 years, and has had extended therapeutic self-experience with him. He is a founding member and teacher of the Swiss Association of IS-TDP, with 10 years as its president.
About Rudolf’s presentation: The presentation will focus on the metapsychological and technical aspects of this most complex intervention in IS-TDP. The participants will be invited to a discussion on their questions, comments and own therapeutic experiences.
December 7th 2022 – 17.00 – 19.30: Title coming up
Nithya Kalyani: Nithya is a mental health practitioner with a background and training in Social Work, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and ISTDP (Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy). Nithya has been practicing, teaching and supervising as a psychotherapist for 15 years. Her focus and passion centers around creating responsive and compassionate therapeutic relationships, that enable each individual client to be the drivers of change and healing in their own lives.
About Nithya’s presentation: More information to coming up