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Dion Nowoweiski: Constructing and Reconstructing the Self using ISTDP Techniques and Principles
14. marts 2023 kl. 20:00 - 23:00
På årets IEDTA-kongres i Venedig var der stor opmærksomhed på australske Dion Nowoweiski, og vi har modtaget forespørgsler fra medlemmer, der har været interesserede i at se mere af hans arbejde. Vi er derfor glade for at kunne indbyde vores medlemmer til at se og høre Dion præsentere om “Constructing and Reconstructing the Self using ISTDP Techniques and Principles”. Arrangementet er gratis for medlemmer af selskabet og foregår online via zoom, den 14. marts kl 20.00 – 23.00. Alle medlemmer af selskabet vil automatisk få tilsendt link til præsentationen, og tilmelding er derfor ikke påkrævet.
Om Dion:
Dion is a Clinical Psychologist from Melbourne, Australia. He trained in ISTDP under the supervision of Dr Allan Abbass and spent some time working at the Centre for Emotions and Health in Halifax, NS (2012-2013). He is an International Experiential Dynamic Association (IEDTA) certified teacher and supervisor in ISTDP and runs a Core Training program in Melbourne and onine. He has contributed to several peer-reviewed research articles on ISTDP treatment and has presented many workshops on ISTDP and has presented at conferences in Australia, Europe and North America. He works in a private practice setting where he offers individual treatment to adolescents and adults for a range of presenting issues with a focus on treating people suffering from eating disorders. He has previously worked at several public hospitals in Melbourne where he was the Senior Clinical Psychologist at Specialist Eating Disorder Services. His work in ISTDP is based on the traditions of Davanloo, but takes into account how we (therapists) are all different and need to apply the model in a way that fits with who we are. Dion has been described as a passionate and innovative practitioner and teacher of ISTDP and he strives to help people reach their true potential as both people and therapists.
Om præsentationen:
This presentation is focused on concepts related to “The Self” and how we can help patients repair the damage they carry within their Self by being attuned to the structure of the patient’s Self. It is through this understanding, that the process of reconstructing a damaged Self can be achieved with resistant cases, or helping to complete the construction of a never fully or properly formed Self can be achieved with Fragile cases. Using an example of each of these, Dion will demonstrate how to assess and diagnose the presence of pathology of Self.